Tuesday, December 31, 2019

SWOT and PESTE Analysis for Bottled Water - 1142 Words

SWOT and PESTE Analysis for Bottled Water. To develop an appropriate marketing strategy would involve creating a link between the external environment and the key internal factors of bottled water. This dissertation from www.coursework.info SWOT analysis is the focus upon the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats facing a business internally and externally. To enable a SWOT analysis to be carried out, research into bottled water companies current and future positions need to completed. This would result in building upon its strengths, minimise its weaknesses, seized its opportunities and cancel out the threats.cocf cfr secfcfw orcf cfk incf focf cf. STRENGTHS River Rock produce water which sold as part of coca cola. Coca†¦show more content†¦Laws can also change bottled water companies income because if a law was brought out, that you could only work 9.00am - 5.00pm, factory hours would be cut, resulting in less water being bottled and people would have less disposable income to spend on pleasurable items e.g. chocolate.If the government continue to not lower petrol taxes, it could result in another petrol crisis, which has a knock on effect to tourists from reaching the water companies, it stops the distribution chain, and stops factory workers from getting to their work place, putting a halt on production. Foucault refuted elitebluess rationalisation . ECONOMIC - influenced by domestic economic policies and world economic trends. Theinterest rates can affect companies because if the interest rates were high then water companies would not want to borrow as much money for expansion. Also if consumers had loans they would again have less disposable income to buy luxury items. If the minimum wage were brought down, this would mean more money for bottled water companies but would also result in low sales from the consumers. The government can also raise taxes, which would bring a stand still to the sales of water. eliteblues, please do not redistribute this cours. We work very hard to create this website, and we trust our visitors to respect it for the good of other students. Please, do not circulate this cours elsewhere on the internet. Anybody found doing so will be permanently banned. SOCIAL - close

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